Contact Lenses in Edmonton
Daily & Monthly Lenses for Clear, Comfortable Vision
Find the Perfect Contact Lenses – 1-Day & Monthly Options for All of Life’s Adventures.
Fitting Cost: No additional cost with an Eye Exam*.
Frequency: As Required
The cost of contact lenses varies depending on the manufacturer, brand and lens design.
Your Soft Contact Lens Fitting.
The first step in a successful contact lens fitting is a thorough comprehensive eye examination. Everything starts with the perfect prescription and ensuring the eye is happy and healthy.
Whether you are a just starting out as a new contact lens wearer, or have been wearing contact lenses for many years, it’s important to know you have options. Not all contact lenses are the same and new technologies hit the market almost every year. It is important to discuss with your optometrist, when, where and for how long you intend to wear your contact lenses so that we can fit you into the best possible lens for your lifestyle. This is the same philosophy we use for prescription eyeglasses. We tailor the experience to you, not the product.
We accept same-day routine and emergency appointments, ensuring that we're here should you ever need us.
Astigmatism Contact Lenses.
Astigmatism is when the front surface of the eye is not perfectly round or sphere shaped. On your glasses prescription, your astigmatism correction is the second 2 numbers. Most of the time, astigmatism can be corrected with contact lenses. These contact lenses are sometimes called “toric” lenses. This is just a fancy physics word that means astigmatism.
When we correct for astigmatism in contact lenses, this does change how the lens fits on the eye. We need the lens to center on the eye in a very specific orientation; otherwise, the contact lens will not sit correctly. This will cause the vision to fluctuate or simply be blurry. A poorly fitting contact lens will also not be very comfortable to wear. There are a variety of options in both daily and monthly wear schedules.
If you have always had difficulties getting clear vision in contact lenses and glasses, this may indicate an irregular curvature on the front of the eye commonly caused by a condition called keratoconus. This is better addressed with either RGP contact lenses or scleral contact Lenses.
Multifocal Contact Lenses.
If you have difficulty seeing up close, you may already be wearing progressive lenses or putting on reading glasses. It’s possible to correct your vision for both near and far in contact lenses. We call these multifocal contact lenses.
Multifocal contact lenses work slightly differently than the progressive lens in your glasses. Small tweaks to the lens designs and your prescription can be the difference between success and frustration. A multifocal contact lens fitting often involves a follow up appointment or two just to make sure everything is meets your visual expectations.
A secondary option to this is called monovision. This is when we focus one eye up close and one eye far away. This sounds very bizarre, but it often works very well. The take-away message is there are options available to you.
Before you give up on wearing contact lenses because of problems seeing up close, book an eye exam with us, and we’ll work to find a solution.
Daily Lenses vs. Monthly Lenses.
As the name suggests, daily contact lenses are intended to be discarded after each day of wear. Monthly lenses, you need to remove and clean every night and will discard them after 30-days.
Daily contact lenses offer a fresh, clean contact lens experience every day and are great for kids, people with allergies, dry eye symptoms and busy lives. They offer the lowest risk of eye infections and are safe to be worn by kids when they fit correctly.
Daily contact lenses require no extra cleaning, disinfecting or storage.
Schedule Your Eye Exam and Contact Lens Fitting in Edmonton with Helio Optometry.
We love seeing patients for annual comprehensive eye exams. Whether you are new to contact lenses or have been wearing them for years, we will get you into contact lenses that provide all day comfort and wearability. We fit all the leading industry brands including Alcon, Bausch and Lomb and Coopervision. Book an appointment online today. See you soon!
We Deliver Contact Lens Eye Exams
Tailored to You.
No problem. We can teach you. For our new contact lens wearers we want to make sure you feel confident putting in your new lenses, taking them out and caring for them. This is why we schedule a contact lens application and removal training. We have a team member sit down with you make sure you know exactly how to use your contact safely. Sometimes this takes 15 minutes. Sometimes this takes an hour. We have almost a 100% success rate. Fee= $50.
No! The same contact lens may fit different from person to person. This is because the curvature of the front surface of our eyes is not always the same. Just like the goldilocks story, some contacts may fit to loose, too tight or just right! This can effect the comfort of the contact lens and how stable your vision is.
There are many factors that can contribute to this. The list is long but includes the type of contact lens solution and any underlying ocular surface disease. A major factor is the contact lenses themselves. Different lenses have different technology that influences the ability to have all day comfort. Daily disposable contact lenses are generally more comfortable and safer to use because you are placing a fresh, sterile lens on the eye each and every time.
Anyone of these symptoms may indicate a problem with your contact lenses, contact solution of the health of your eyes. These are most often easily addressed. Its best you schedule an appointment to see your optometrist. These visits are covered by Alberta Health Care.
Contact lens blister packs, bottles of solution, cases all amount to a large amount of discarded plastic over a lifetime of contact lens wear. A big culprit of single use plastic waste is the manufacturing process itself. However, some contact lenses are friendlier that others with respect to the amount of waste they create. At Helio Optometry we participate in a contact lens recycling program. Recycle your contact lens blister packs and receive 10% off your next order. Ask us how.
Yes. Having a set of glasses in case of emergency is the recommendation. Things happen. Contact lenses get lost, rip or your supply runs out. It’s important to have some way to correct your vision. Our Aperture collection was design just for this.
How to Prepare for Your Eye Exam and Contact Lens Fit.
Knowing your old prescription in your eyeglasses or sunglasses helps us to determine how much change your eyes are experiencing. This is important when managing some eye conditions.
If you love or hate your contact lenses, bring your current boxes. This way we can ensure that we can keep you in what you like, or find something that will work better.
Bring your insurance cards, government issued photo-Id like a drivers license, as well as your Alberta Health Care card. In order to provide services or bill your insurance, we need to be able to verify your identity.
Many health conditions can affect your vision. Knowing your medications can help us to better monitor your eye health. Medications for conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune, anti-depressants, and allergies are only some of the conditions we monitor and treat.
Most eye exams take about 20-30 minutes to complete, but can last up to 1-hour if we need to dilate your eyes and run additional tests. If new eyeglasses are prescribed we suggest you allow for another 30-minutes to find something that you love, as well as have our optical team take all the appropriate measurements to accurately fill your new prescription.
Eye exams are important to your overall health. It’s generally recommended that you have an eye test annually. Your optometrist may recommend a longer interval, depending on your age and risk factors.
Maybe. We don’t routinely dilate everyone, because we use optomap retinal photography which provides us with a 200-degree image of the inside of the eye. Certain medical like diabetes, cataracts, and glaucoma or vision conditions still require us to dilate your eyes. Your optometrist will notify you before instilling any eye drops.
Fine Print: Some custom contact lens trials and fittings have a cost associated with them. This is limited to more complex contact lens fittings and new contact lens wearers who require training. Our staff and doctors will always explain these costs to you before proceeding. But if you’ve worn lenses and would like to try the newest contact lenses, there is no cost. This includes most spherical, astigmatism and multifocal lenses.