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A Parents' Guide to Essilor® Stellest™ Lenses For Myopia

Myopia in children is more than just needing glasses; it's a rapidly progressing condition that can lead to serious eye health issues later in life. Myopia has genetic and environmental factors that contribute to its onset and progression. Simply put, Myopia is clearly a disease, and that's why managing Myopia is so crucial.

Essilor® Stellest™ lenses offer a groundbreaking solution—not only do they correct vision, but they also slow the progression of Myopia by at least 50%, something standard single-vision lenses can't match. These lenses are suitable for a wide range of children but must be worn full-time for maximum effect.

In this blog post, we'll explore why myopia management and products like Essilor® Stellest™ lenses are an important consideration when treating children with Myopia.   

What are Essilor® Stellest™ lenses?

Essilor's Stellest® lenses represent a significant advancement in myopia management, particularly for children. These lenses are designed with a cutting-edge technology called H.A.L.T. (Highly Aspherical Lenslet Target), which uses 1,021 aspherical lenslets spread across 11 rings. This configuration creates a zone of defocused light in front of the retina, signalling the eye to slow down its axial growth, one of the main drivers of myopia progression. Importantly, the lenses also maintain a clear central zone for sharp vision, making them an effective solution without compromising visual clarity​.

Stellest lenses offer a low-risk solution for managing Myopia because they don't require the daily use of medicated eye drops like low-dose atropine or the insertion of contact lenses. This non-invasive option makes it easier for parents, eliminating concerns about compliance or potential side effects while still providing effective myopia control​.

Stellest lenses look like regular eyeglasses, so cosmetically, no one will know your child uses them to manage Myopia. With a clear central zone for sharp vision, they blend seamlessly with everyday eyewear, offering functionality and aesthetics without compromising appearance​.

How are Essilor® Stellest™ lenses different from other single-vision lenses?

Essilor® Stellest™ lenses differ from regular single-vision lenses in several key ways, particularly in their approach to controlling myopia progression. While both types of lenses correct vision, Stellest™ lenses incorporate Highly Aspherical Lenslet Target (H.A.L.T.) technology, which uses over 1,000 lenslets spread across the surface to create a volume of defocused light.

Regular single-vision lenses are an excellent option for children whose Myopia has stabilized, as they effectively correct vision without needing more complex treatments. These lenses provide clear vision without additional intervention for children whose prescription is no longer changing.

However, traditional single-vision lenses may contribute to the problem in children whose Myopia is still progressing. They correct distance vision but do not address the underlying issue of axial elongation, which causes Myopia to worsen. This can lead to an increased risk of more severe Myopia as the child grows, making myopia management strategies, such as Essilor® Stellest™ lenses, a better option for slowing progression in actively growing children.​

The traditional approach to treating myopia with ever-stronger single-vision glasses has been more reactive than proactive, merely correcting the vision without addressing the underlying cause—axial elongation of the eye. This approach not only allows myopia to progress unchecked but also increases the risk of long-term eye health issues like retinal detachment and myopic maculopathy. As we learn more about myopia, it's clear that stronger prescriptions alone are not the answer. Innovative treatments like Essilor® Stellest™ lenses offer a more effective solution by actively slowing myopia progression and helping to protect children’s vision over the long term. It’s time to move away from simply “stronger glasses” and towards comprehensive myopia management strategies that reduce the risks associated with high myopia​.

Do Essilor® Stellest™ lenses work?

Yes, Essilor® Stellest™ lenses are highly effective in managing Myopia, and both the literature and clinical experiences back this up. According to multiple clinical studies, Stellest lenses slow myopia progression by up to 67% when worn full-time, significantly reducing axial elongation and diopter increases compared to standard single-vision lenses.

According to the journal Review of Myopia Management, the lenses have been shown to reduce myopia progression by more than 1.75 diopters over five years, demonstrating lasting efficacy​. In addition, the initial research studies showed a 1.00 diopter reduction in the first two years.

Since introducing the Essilor® Stellest™ lens into our clinic in 2023, we've seen great results in children wearing Stellest lenses, with many showing substantial reductions in prescription changes and overall stabilization of their Myopia.

While Essilor® Stellest™ lenses are highly effective in slowing down myopia progression by up to 67%, they don't stop it entirely, meaning that Myopia can still advance, though at a much slower rate compared to wearing standard single-vision lenses.

Do Essilor® Stellest™ Lenses Cost More?

Yes. Essilor® Stellest™ lenses are more expensive than regular single-vision lenses due to the increased complexity involved in their manufacturing process, which incorporates over 1,000 precisely positioned aspherical lenslets to control myopia progression. Additionally, the cost reflects the extensive research and development behind these lenses, with years of clinical trials and cutting-edge technology aimed at slowing Myopia in children.

Parents who choose to put their children in Essilor® Stellest™ lenses are at the forefront of myopia treatment, embracing the latest in advanced optical technology to not only correct vision but actively slow down myopia progression by up to 67%, offering a proactive approach to long-term eye health​.

Take Control of Myopia—Schedule a Consultation Today!

If you're concerned about your child's Myopia, we invite you to schedule a myopia management consultation at Helio Optometry. Our team can assess whether Essilor® Stellest™ lenses, which have been shown to slow myopia progression by up to 67%, are the right solution for your child. These lenses offer a scientifically proven, low-risk option that not only corrects vision but also helps protect your child's long-term eye health. Contact us today to discuss personalized myopia control strategies and see how Stellest™ lenses could benefit your child's future vision​. Book Your Consultation Today.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog post by Helio Optometry eye care clinic in West Edmonton is intended solely for informational purposes and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a Licensed Optometrist. No doctor/patient relationship is established through the use of this blog. The information and resources presented are not meant to endorse or recommend any particular medical treatment or guarantee and outcome. Readers must consult with their own healthcare provider regarding their health concerns. Helio Optometry and its optometrists do not assume any liability for the information contained herein nor for any errors or omissions. Use of the blog's content is at the user's own risk, and users are encouraged to make informed decisions about their health care based on consultations with qualified professionals.
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